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Archivi giornalieri: 12 Luglio 2023

Anabolika: Nebenwirkungen und Folgen

Anabolika: Nebenwirkungen und Folgen Die bekanntesten Vertreter der Anabolika sind die anabolen Steroide. Neben Testosteron selbst kommen künstlich hergestellte Steroide, die eine dem männlichen Sexualhormon Testosteron ähnliche Wirkung zeigen, zur Anwendung. Die wichtigsten Vertreter sind Dehydrochlormethyltestosteron, Nandrolon, Metandienon, Stanozolol, Furazabol und Metenolon. Charakteristische Nebenwirkungen dieser Substanzen sind Akne, Herz-Kreislauf-Nebenwirkungen und …

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What Do Sugar Daddies Receive in exchange?

Connections involving glucose can be set up in a variety of ways. While some are purely platonic, others are exclusively genital. Some accommodations are paid on a monthly basis, while others are based on specific dates. But what do sweets dads receive in exchange? It’s much more nuanced than cash, …

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What Do Sugar Daddies Receive in exchange?

Connections involving glucose can be set up in a variety of ways. While some are purely platonic, others are exclusively genital. Some accommodations are paid on a monthly basis, while others are based on specific dates. But what do sweets dads receive in exchange? It’s much more nuanced than cash, …

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