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How to Develop Workflow Processes

Workflows are the systematic steps that are able to achieve a desired outcome for example, like finalizing a project, or implementing a new policy. They’re commonly used in product-manufacturing environments, but they can be useful in almost any professional context. Workflow templates let teams quickly and efficiently develop a process which helps to achieve their goals without re-inventing the wheel.

One of the most important aspects of developing the workflow is identifying participants and their roles. This includes the person who initiates the process, as well as anyone or any systems that need to be consulted for approval or information. Once all the stakeholders are identified, it is possible to determine any potential roadblocks or bottlenecks. These are typically areas where the workflow may not be running as smoothly as you would like such as the absence of clear communication or a poorly-functioning system.

You can also identify opportunities to automatize. If the new hire process requires extensive manual interaction it could be worth automatizing certain tasks. This will free time to focus on more valuable tasks, like training new employees.

Once a workflow has been established, you can set up a collaborative tool online that lets everyone see and access a document. This helps ensure that all team members know their responsibilities, which can help to create a sense of cooperation and openness. It’s also a good way to eliminate siloed communications and increase productivity.